Research Study:
Effect of impulse7 as an "ENERGETIC FIELD THERAPY"
on the well-being of the human being
Editor: Dr. med. Knut Pfeiffer
Augsburgerstr. 4
D - 80337 Munich
Munich, July 2009
1 Abstract.............................................................................................................3
2 Introduction........................................................................................................5
3 Physical Basics..................................................................................................6
3.1 More about the term “FIELD..............................................................................6
3.2 Electric and magnetic fields using the example o f an electrified particle..........7
3.3 As applied to the human body ...........................................................................7
3.4 Principles of “energy medicine...........................................................................8
3.5 Action.................................................................................................................8
3.6 State of the technology ....................................................................................9
3.7 Summary..........................................................................................................10
3.8 Known therapeutic systems reacting to electrical and el ectromagnetic signals.........................................................................................................................11
4 Biochemical and pathologic/physiologic basics using the example of cartilage regeneration................................................................................................................13
4.1 How PST works...............................................................................................15
4.2 Practical procedures of the PST treatment......................................................15
5 A New Signal...................................................................................................16
5.1 Magnetic field of the applicator........................................................................16
5.2 Electrical characteristics of the applicator........................................................17
6 Goal..................................................................................................................19
7 Research Method.............................................................................................19
8 Research Results.............................................................................................20
9 Discussion and Recommendation for further approach...................................35
10 List of literature.................................................................................................35
1. Abstract
The WHO (World Health Organization) generally describes physical health as a “state of complete physical, mental and social well-being,” as opposed to the definition used earlier: “The absence of disease and handicap." Thus health is defined as a state in which the human being finds himself in harmony. Disease represents an imbalance which cannot be counterbalanced by one`s own resources.
This definition regarding physical health used by the World Health Organization
corresponds to a newly designed therapy called impulse7.
Impulse7 is a highly specific electro-magnetic field which, on an
energetic level, creates harmony and by so doing allows the patient to equ
alize conditions of imbalance.
As a newly gained feeling of harmony will manifest primarily in an improved sense of well-being, this healing phenomenon was the first studied. Sixty patients filled out a multi-dimensional questionnaire regarding their well-being before starting Impulse7 treatments. This questionnaire contained 24 questions, (evaluated as per the Likert Scale), about three bipolar dimensions of the subjects' perceived well-being: Good mood/Bad mood, Alertness/Weariness, and Calmness/Restlessness. The test was administered a second time immediately after the treatments and then again six weeks later. The final evaluation of the questionnaires shows an improvement of the prevailing mood by 62% to more than 80% which continued for at least six weeks after the end of the impulse7 treatments. No side effects or therapy failures were reported although varied intensities of response were recorded. Thus impulse7 appears to be a valid therapy for improving well-being without side effects.
After having documented three extremely positive effects of the impulse7 treatments on the improvement of the mental performance and stress levels of subjects in a first study, it should be determined now whether very high stress can also be improved. The stress level of the disturbed physiological diurnal rhythm patient should be examined with the help of a questionnaire as well as by documenting the hormonal markers of stress with a daily report of cortisol levels in saliva before and after the Impuls7 treatment. Cortisol is our most important stress hormone and can be easily measured in the sputum. This procedure has the advantage of measuring cortisol in a non-invasive and therefore stress-free way, compared to the measurement of cortisol in blood.
The multi-dimensional questionnaire was designed by R. Steyer, P.h
Schwenkmezger, P. Notz and M. Eid and been used since 1997.
The evaluation was done by Company Gelszum Tradeshow and Market Research, Rosenmeyerstr. 6, D-44139 Dortmund.
"There is nothing constant except change," -- Greek Philosopher, Heraclitus
2. Introduction
Due to medical breakthroughs in antibiotics, pharmaceuticals, and surgical techniques, the present medical view of the world has changed to a chemical/mechanical one. Still, at this point it is debatable whether in fact all diseases of the body can be treated successfully based on a purely chemical or mechanistic model.
In 1913 Einstein publicized his most famous theory, E=MC2, stating that material can be converted into energy and vice versa. Today we know that even on a subatomic level the general theory of relativity is fully valid. The solar system, earth, men and all other objects do consist of energy. Based on the evidence that energy is the basic module of all and everything, it seems logical to expand our chemical/mechanistic therapeutic spectrum to include energetic/magnetic therapeutic spectra. This would allow for the idea that man is an energetic being. It would therefore follow that diseases in their "prime course" can be treated by a new protocol; electricity and magnetism, by which we operate and interact.
3. Physical basics
3.1. More about the term "FIELD"
Dealing with fields is part of human everyday life. Electromagnetic fields do occur
in multiple forms, among these are (besides mobile communication and
terrestrial transmission of radio and TV signals) stray fields resulting from
operating electrical machines, motors and others. The gravitational field is a
further example of such a field.
brFields have an impact on the objects in their sphere of influence. If we for
example put one bar magnet close to another, the first magnet will, depending on
the polarity of the second, move towards or away from the latter, without a
mechanical contact being necessary. The same thing will happen in the
gravitational field of the earth.
Using the example of electrified particles the interaction of particles and fields
can be further explained. If an electrified particle is situated in the sphere of
influence of an electric field, it will experience an interaction. If by influence of this
interaction the particle begins to move, it experiences activity. Activity is energy.
Thus the field being experienced as abstract by the human imagination, unfolds as an identifiable force. Physically speaking, a field is defined by the effect it has on an object in its sphere of influence. In summary it can be observed that we are surrounded and penetrated by electro-magnetic fields and we have to assume that these fields have an influence on us as human beings. . This leads us to the question, "Why wouldn't electro-magnetic fields have positive, i.e. therapeutic impacts on the human being?"
3.2. Electric and magnetic fields; electrified particles
Even if the term “energetic field” is not established in physics, its application in this study has demonstrated a clear possibility of its effects on human health. To highlight this aspect seems of paramount importance with regard to therapeutic treatment.
An overlapping of individual fields creates a cumulated field.
3.3. Fields in regard to the human body
The physical substance of the human body consists of a multitude of electrified
particles such as ions. The constant exchanging of ions within cell membranes
builds the basis of the functioning of the nerves and the production and transfer
of various impulses within the human body. These activities can be documented
using the electroencephalogram (EEG) or the electrocardiogram (ECG).
Based on these activities and the physical interaction between electric charge as
well as electric and magnetic fields it is obvious that the human body does
produce an electro-magnetic field. Based upon the diversity and flow of electrified
particles in the human body, a complex overlapping field is being created.
3.4. The principle of “energy medicine”
The principle of “energy medicine” is based on overlaying the human energy field with an exterior electro-magnetic field. As field and electric charge are intrinsically tied to each other, we have reason to believe that the resulting overlapping field must create a shift in regard to the electricity flow and distribution. It needs to be pointed out however, that the primary effect is being produced by the overlapping of the field, thus generating an effect on a material/cellular, i.e. physical level. Each electrified particle shows an electric field E, surrounding this particle. The flow of electrified particles produces a current I. This current causes a magnetic field with flux density B.
The main objective of energy medicine is to create a therapeutic field coming from the outside in such a way that pathological physiologic transformations are changing back to normal.
3.5. Mode of action
Numerous therapeutic methods in medical science do cause an external stimulus which initiates the body´s own healing processes and thus secures relief of physical as well as mental discomfort. An energetic electromagnetic field therapy already proven effective in conventional medicine is “Pulsed Signal Therapy” (PST), which is being successfully applied for treating disorders of the musculoskeletal system, particularly regarding the following indications:
1. Osteoporosis
2. Osteoarthritis
3. Osteoarthropathy
4. Retarded healing of bone fractures
5. Tendinitis
6. Cartilage lesions
7. Meniscus injuries /Whiplash
3.6. State of the technology
At the beginning of the 20th Century the Dutch Doctor Willem Einthoven
discovered that electric cardiac activity can be recorded via galvanometer. He
found out that each heartbeat starts with an electric impulse in the myocardium.
This electricity results from electrified particles such as sodium, potassium and
magnesium ions flowing through the muscle membranes, creating contractions of
the heart musculature. These electric currents also spread into the surrounding
tissue, allowing this electric activity to flow into the blood circulation as well. Due
to its high salt content, blood is an excellent electrical conductor, which
transports the cardiac current throughout the entire body. Therefore it is possible
to read an electrocardiogram (EKG) at any part of the body.
Electric current flowing via an electric conductor creates a magnetic field in the
surrounding area. Consequently the human heart is surrounded by a magnetic
field. In 1963 G. Baule and R. McFee at Syracuse University in New York could
provide evidence of a pulsating magnetic field surrounding the heart, extending
itself into space, at the front as well as at the backside of the body. By definition
this “biomagnetic field” surrounding the heart spreads out endlessly into space.
This electromagnetic “cardiac field “ is very light and amounts to a millionth of the earth`s magnetic field and approx. a thousandth of the background magnetic fields in an urban environment. In 1967 a magnetic cardiogram as well as a magnetic field of the cardiac currents could be recorded using a squid magnometer in completely insulated rooms. The magnetic cardiogram showed a substantial analogy to the electrocardiogram. Thus one may cautiously conclude that the human body produces an electromagnetic summation field.
In the case of the research it could be proven that “biomagnetic fields” do reveal
far more about the activities in the human body than perceived until now via
electrical measurements on the skin surface (EKG, EEG, etc.)
Biomagnetic fields do cross body structures without being distorted by magnetic
fields, whereas electric signals are distorted by dermal tissue.
This leads to the following conclusion:
Living organisms are surrounded by biomagnetic fields. These fields vary depending on the activities in the human body, rapidly and constantly.
The measuring of biomagnetic fields reflects the activities in the body far more
accurately than deformable electric fields.
3.7. Summary
All parts of the body including its molecular structure form a continuously
interwoven electronic network. Each part of the body – as small as it may be – is
part of a constant current of waves, produced or transformed reactively by the
body itself. Thus electrical (energetic) information about all activities going on in
the human body is constantly being generated.
Human beings show an energetic “hierarchy”, as their psychic activities have an
immense influence on electromagnetic fields flowing inside the body or
alternatively coming from the exterior. Whether by physical or mental traumata
the homogeneity of the body`s electro magnetic fields is being altered,
Electric/electromagnetic misinformation is being created, resulting in incorrect
cell function. The result is illness.
Via specific electro magnetic fields the energy fields of the human body can be
altered, thus regenerating and repairing physiologic cell functions.
For a long time pulsating magnetic fields have been applied for therapeutic
treatments of poorly healing bone fractures, allowing a “quick start” of the bone
healing process. Magnetic fields do have the advantage over electrical fields to
be penetrating without being altered by cellular tissue.
During the research process it became obvious that cellular tissue certainly does
react to variable pulsation cycles. Based on reactions of soft tissue, the following
effects are known:
Greater capillarity
Less necrosis
Decreased swelling
Relief of pain
Faster functional regeneration
Increased flexibility of the ligaments
Faster regeneration of the nervous system
Faster healing of skin lesions
The following frequencies of an electro magnetic field can be used
therapeutically when treating certain diseases:
2 Hz Regeneration of the nervous system
7 Hz Bony growth
10 Hz Healing of ligaments
15, 20, 72 Hz Reduction of skin gangrene, stimulation of the capillarity and fibroblast proliferation
Now it is possible to stimulate repair mechanisms in the tissue, using an electromagnetic field (its effect depending on frequency and frequency spectrum).
Medical research considers energy fields as therapeutically effective, as they transfer “information” onto the tissue – thus creating a flood of activities in the cells, beginning with the cell membrane down to the nucleus and genes.
3.8. Known therapeutic systems reacting to electrical and electromagnetic fields
Following are the electromagnetic therapeutic systems currently known in medicine.
Bio-resonance therapy: Here skin resistance is being measured, similar to the
polygraph wherein the skin conductivity depends on the activity of the sweat
glands which are being influenced by the nervous system. The more sweat
glands are being active, the higher is the conductivity of the skin. Abnormal
frequency patterns are then made apparent.
Biofeedback utilizes, in addition to skin conductivity, electrical
activities resulting from muscle contractions, heart rate, skin temperature and
electrical modification of the brain (EEG). Activities inside the patient are made
visible and traceable, thus influencing these otherwise automatic and mechanical
Electro-acupuncture: Here along various acupuncture spots the electrical skin
resistance is being measured in relation to an electro-conductive object
connected to the patient. These resistance measurements allow a better
understanding of disorders in the body.
“Pulsating Signal Therapy” (PST) is a well documented method of
electromagnetic field therapy. It was developed by the German-American
Physician Dr. Richard Markoll. The first to use PST in Europe was Dr. med. Knut
Pfeiffer more than thirteen years ago. In the past 13 years a great many patients
were treated successfully with PST (more than 450,000 in Germany) without
showing any side effects. PST uses a signal, carried on an electromagnetic field,
allowing the regeneration of cell structures (for example cartilage buildup). This
was proven in various in vitro studies as well as in double-blind and placebo
controlled tests (see attached literature).
4. Biochemical and pathologic physiological basics using the example of cartilage regeneration
Cartilage consists mainly of two components, the cartilage cells (chondrocytes)
and the intercellular substance, also called the extra-cellular matrix. This
intercellular substance, consisting of proteo-glucans, collagen and glycioproteins,
is produced by chondrocytes. Typically, the substance is very high in
water (up to 70 %). By going through the process of biochemic modification the
proteo-glucans are being negatively charged and thereby form polyanions,
(particles made of various atoms of the same cell, which have grouped together,
as a collective, building a negative charge. Dissociable protons add to these
groups (more precisely: protons attached to water, H3O+, called hydronium
ions). The density of the negative charges of the intercellular substance is
responsible for the structure of the ion setting in this area.
Under pressure the ion disbursement changes: The hydronium ions dissociate
from proteo-glucan molecules into the surrounding liquid matrix. Based on the
combination of the current of hydronium ions and the flow of the liquid matrix,
physical chemical activities are generated, as well as streaming potentials. These
streaming potentials and mechanical impulses control the biosynthesis of the
matrix proteins in the cartilage. In the healthy cartilage the mechanical exposure
of the joint produces electrical signals which control the cartilage growth and
regeneration. Mechanical receptors also participate in the signal transduction
chain for controlling the gene expression in the chondrocytes.
There is a lower mechanical pressure in the diseased joint which then has a
negative influence on the streaming potentials, the biosynthetic activities of the
chondrocytes, as well as on cartilage growth and regeneration. If proteases in the cartilage tissue are being activated, matrix proteins are being reduced and the
streaming potentials are being cut down by up to 80%. The degradation products
(peptides) of the matrix proteases induce further degradation processes in the
chondrocytes, damaging the cartilage even more.
For a better understanding the medical basics are shown in the following

4.1 How PST works
For the following reason an etiologic therapy for degenerative cartilage diseases
appears to be difficult by means of pharmacological methods (pills, etc.)
Mechano/receptional mechanisms play a fundamental role in the physiology of
the chondrocytes in healthy and diseased cartilage tissue. Thus medicine can only effect the physiological activities in already damaged cartilage, for instance
by stopping activities intensifying degenerative processes.
The therapeutic basis of PST is to copy the electro-physiological activities in the
healthy cartilage tissue, using exterior physical impulses. The original streaming
potentials in particular are thereby restored. The magnetic fields entering the
tissue rebuild the normal biosynthetic activities and strengthen the concentration
of the proteo-glucan in particular. PST treatments during in vitro experiments
with chondrocytes showed positive effects on the physiology: (DNA synthesis,
the strengthening of the transcription rate, the increase of protein biosynthesis as
well as the proteo-glucan).
Studies showed that treatment with PST decreases collagen expression.
Increased collagen concentrations are symptomatic for arthritic joints.
4.2. Practical procedures of the PST treatment
in PST the affected joint is accommodated inside an air-core coil. A pulsating current flows through this coil (rectangle wave), forming a pulsating magnetic field called an impulse modulated magnetic field or pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF), The applied frequency is a few Hertz (Hz) up to approx 30 Hz. The magnetic flux density is 12.5 Gauß (Gs), which equals 1.25 milli Tesla. During the treatment the amperage and thus the flux density is altered. This equals max 50 times the Earth's magnetic field. However the patient does not feel any effects of these fields during the one hour treatment. The PST method differs from other PEMF methods, maintaining consistent impulse patterns (consistent frequency and flux density) as it operates on rectangular impulses varying in duration and intensity in order to better manage to adapt to the natural physiologic impulses.
As the treatment of more than 450,000 patients in Germany did not show any side effects, PST is top ranking in regards to the treatment of osteoarthropathy. Furthermore it offers the patient the advantage of a pain free therapy without surgery and without the risk of infection.
5. A New signal
Building on the principle of PST, an entirely new electromagnetic signal was
implemented. Coils were no longer used, but different medical applicators in
accordance with the present state of knowledge about energy fields of the human
The designed applicator (a patient mat) has the following advantage:
a. The field direction corresponds with the field of the human body and thus br
with the biological phenomena.
b. The field direction allows a top to toe treatment
5.1 The Magnetic field of the applicator
Since many patients regard narrow tubular cells such as a coil, as frightening,
a special mat with integrated inductors was constructed for the technical
implementation. The patient mat produces a magnetic field directed toward the
solar plexus region of the body. Using the solar plexus region as a focus area,
the entire body can be treated.
This is very crucial as some systems in nearby sectors can produce a magnetic
field vertical to the axis of the human body, which leads to deletion of the fields.
The magnetic field intensity has been geared to the dimension of the Earth`s magnetic field. This amounts to approx. 50 μ Tesla. Thus the coils integrated in the mat produce a magnetic field of max 100 μ Tesla flux density.
Let's take the example of the cylindrical coil for estimating the necessary electricity and voltage. If an electricity of intensity I is flows through this coil , it creates a homogeneous magnetic field of intensity H .

5.2 Electrical characteristics of the applicator
The coil having a magnetic flux density of B=100μT, a coil length of l=1,8m, a
winding count of n=1500 and an ohmic inner resistance of R=1KOhm, will
generate an electricity of approx l=0,1 A with a voltage of approx. U=50V.
This means that the patient mat in its actual design can be operated in the low
voltage range with moderate currants.
The advantage of this field therapy is the opportunity to treat the human being as
a whole and thus the entire energetic system.
The applicator treats the entire body. It can therefore be used for all medical
conditions, especially as many locally limited symptoms do have their cause in
remote parts of the body, or as in rheumatism, afflict the entire body. The actual
therapeutic effect is gained by modulation of the current and the magnetic and
electrical field intensity.
For securing this effect, an appropriate control unit was designed. The electrical
continuous current parameters are transformed within the patient mat, and
adjusted via the control unit to generate the required magnetic field intensity. The patient mat itself has a size of 220 x 120 cm and a thickness of 2-3 cm and is
made of foam material into which the conductors producing the magnetic fields
are inserted.
The expression electric smog implies various technically caused electrical, magnetic and electromagnetic fields. The affect of these fields on body function has not clearly been proven until today. As the environment is permeated with such fields (TV programs, text messages, WiFi, etc.) it seems likely that the human body is exposed to the influence of these fields.
Viewing it in this light we can assume that an electromagnetic body informatory treatment (impulse7) can be disrupted by extraneous electromagnetic fields. For this reason an E-blocker tent was designed to shield the patient from the extraneous fields during treatment. Inside the tent which blocks 99.9% of all outside electromagnetic interference, the body can be exposed only to the . impulse7 frequencies.

Illustration 4: Tent – accessible in the front – with patient mat
6. Goal
The goal of the present research study is to obtain and use statistics to quantify to what extent impulse7 frequencies have a positive effect on the human being in the sense of stabilization and harmonization of his well-being.
6. Research method
Sixty patients filled out a multi-dimensional questionnaire regarding their wellbeing
before starting impulse7 treatments. Impulse7 was given over a period of
7 consecutive days, in 45 minute sessions. The questionnaire contained 24
questions, each with an 5 step answering scale, (evaluated as per the Likert
Scale), about three bipolar dimensions of the their perceived well-being: Good
mood/Bad mood, Alertness/Weariness, and Calmness/Restlessness. The test was
administered a second time immediately after the impulse7 treatments and then
again six weeks later.
The final evaluation of the questionnaires shows an improvement of the
prevailing mood by 62% to more than 80% which continued for at least six weeks
after the end of the impulse7 treatments. No side effects or therapy failures
were reported although varied intensities of response were recorded.
Thus impulse7 appears to be a valid therapy for improving well-being without
side effects.
After having documented the extremely positive effect of the impulse7
treatments on the improvement of the mental performance and stress levels of
subjects in a first study, it should be determined now whether very high stress
can also be improved. The stress level of the disturbed physiological diurnal
rhythm patient should be examined with the help of a questionnaire as well as by
documenting the hormonal markers of stress with a daily report of cortisol levels
in saliva before and after the impulse7 treatment. Cortisol is our most important
stress hormone and can be easily measured in the sputum. This procedure has
the advantage of measuring cortisol in a non-invasive and therefore stress-free
way, compared to the measurement of cortisol in blood.
The multi-dimensional questionnaire was designed by R. Steyer, P.h Schwenkmezger, P. Notz and M. Eid and been used since 1997.
The evaluation was done by Company Gelszum Tradeshow and Market Research, Rosenmeyerstr. 6, D-44139 Dortmund.
7. Research method
Sixty patients filled out a multi -dimensional questionnaire regarding their well-being, before starting with Impuls7, as well as right after and six weeks after the treatment. This multi- dimensional questionnaire consists of 24 questions each with an 5 step answering scale
Average handling time of a questionnaire is six minutes. The mental well-being can be evaluated and controlled via the three scale values.
The three scale
and are aiming at the following 3 bipolar dimensions of the current well-being of the patient:
Good – bad mood
Alertness - weariness
Calmness - restlessness
Average handling time of a questionnaire is six minutes. The mental well-being can be evaluated and controlled via the three scale values
Impuls7 was given over a period of 7 consecutive days, in 45 minute sessions.
This multi dimensional questionnaire was designed by R. Steyer, P. Schwenkmezger, P. Notz and M. Eid and is considered as reliable tool for clarifying above described questions and has been used since 1997.
TheImpuls7 treatment was applied over a period of seven consecutive days, each treatment lasting 45 minutes.
The evaluation was done via Company Gelszum Tradeshow and Market Research, Rosenmeyerstr. 6, D-44139 Dortmund.
7. Research Results

9. Discussion and recommendation for further approach
It has been well- known since 93 years (Einstein: E=MC²), that the “prime substance” of matter are not the atoms or even the smaller material particles (protons, electrons.), but that the permanent diminishment of matter in concentrations of waves will finally wind up in energy. Thus matter is not composed of the smallest elements of solid substances, as nowadays atoms are understood as complex activity structures, as sample of energetic waves and energy fields.
Therapeutic energetic treatments such as the Pulsed Signal Therapy (PST) can already today show completely new therapeutic results.
The definition of the WHO (World Health Organization) regarding health as a “state of complete physical, mental and social well-being” and not only “the absence of disease and handicap” , thus a state in which the human being finds himself in harmony.
As the basic module of the universe - and thus the human being – is energy, we can assume disharmony of the energetic status being the main reason for the non existing psychic and physic well-being.
As such illness can be described as imbalance in the energetic condition of the human being.
Based on this fact, the goal of the submitted research study was to describe and subsequently design a very specific electromagnetic field, which can produce harmony on an energetic level, thus enabling the human being to compensate this state of imbalance, as described above.
Harmony on an energetic level of the human being will very quickly show in an altered well-being.
Thus the purpose of the present research study was to examine the change in the well-being via Impuls7Therapy
The present result of the statistic evaluation of the multi dimensional questionnaires shows very strongly the highly positive effect of Impuls7 on the well-being.
The individual evaluation of the 24 questions shows an improvement of the prevailing mood by up to 62% to more than 80% of the maximum.
There were neither side effects to be experienced nor therapy failures - just a varied intenseness regarding the responses to Impuls7.
The improved well-being still continued 6 weeks after the end of the treatment and only slightly decreased.
Thus Impuls7 appears to be a valid therapy for improving the well-being, without showing side-effects.
Interesting though is the fact, that the splitting of the results according to age (up to 55 and over 55 years of age) did not show any significant differences but that the splitting regarding gender in some points the males shows far more intense reactions.
So, for example the change regarding: relaxed, calm, tired, nervous, sleepy, alert, exhausted, calm.
Only further studies will enable to explain this phenomenon.
Next step is scheduled to examine how the improved well-being does affect the physical processes (illness).
10. List of literature
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