* Our breakthrough treatments are new. but has already begun to make waves in the field of medicine, with many people already feeling the positive and beneficial effects of Energetic therapy. Here are just some satisfied patients who are already enjoying the benefits of Impuls7:
I am finding I have more energy since using the impuls7 therapy. I sleep less
now that the stress is relieved.
"I have been talking drugs for post-natal depression.for the last few years with
no avail.After using the impuls7 I noticed after 1 session that my mood was
picking up, I continued the sessions and after just 4. now noticed that I am 70%
better, no more drugs, That was 5 months ago. Thank you so much."
"This therapy is so amazing, I was burnt out and the doctor wanted me to
take drugs, I told her i did not take drugs of any kind. Impuls7 has put me
on the way to recovery. I feel amazing. This is the medicine of the future. "
function better in public"
"I am a doctor working in a busy surgery. As you can imagine, the stress levels
and fatigue just keep building up,I was definitely, sceptical given my scientific
background, about using the impuls7 until I saw the results of friends who had
a few sessions. My stress level has been totally reduced to almost zero "
night" more enrgy in morning"
"I work as an eye surgeon and have suffered many years back issues. Even
after trying many other therapies the back problem has continued. I introduced
to the impuls7 therapy by a close friend of mine and found that after four
treatments the pain completely disappeared. I was totally amazed, that just lying
on a bed and falling asleep with this device could reap so much benefit. I also
noticed that my eye-sight improved after the first treatment. This therapy is truly
fantastic. "
"I have suffered for many years with serious immune system issues. Since using the impuls7 I am very seldom sick like I used to be."
"Stress and depression has practically destroyed my life, but since using the
impuls7 I have noticed a u turn in my moods, I am not experiencing the
depression or lack of energy I once had. Thank You"
"I have been training all my life in some type of sport. Imagine how I felt when I
had a foot injury which did not heal for 2 years. After having just 2 treatments
of the recommended 4 on the Impuls7, I was able to run on the foot. I was
Unable to run on with very little problem. I am truly amazed at what this machine
can do. "
"I have been using antidepressants for over 10 years and know that if I do not
take my medication I get to a melt down very quickly. Imagine my amazement
when I tried the impuls7 and noticed that I slept better, my mood improved
and I have a general feeling of well-being. I love this machine and would
definitely recommend it to my friends. There is another way.:-)
My friend suffered a car accident over 10 years ago, which left him severely
disabled and unable to walk or talk properly, imagine my amazement when
I saw him after 4 treatments, walking and talking a lot better than before.
This machine will revolutionize medicine.
"After the first day of impuls7 therapy, I felt that my lower back pain was gone!
The difference was Unbelievable ! I didn't feel any more pain when I twisted
and turned. The best therapy I have ever had, I highly recommend it.
Highly recommended, You can see improvements instantaneously"
"I am a 68 year old woman who had a stroke last year deep vein thrombosis,
hip operations, eye problems due to diabetes and am confined to a wheel
chair. My son recommended that I try impul7, with its money back gurantee.
This was the best thing I ever done. My leg pain disappeared, I slept right
through the night without getting up once,which I have not done for years, I
found it easier to move and my eye specialist has said my eyes have improved
by over 50%. I am very grateful for the opportunity to use this machine"
"I had a stroke last year, Using the impuls7, I don't have soreness or aches
anymore , my flexibility and mobility of movement has also improved.."
"I think this impuls7 is working like a miracle. I am able to sleep well all night.
Also I didn't use the bathroom as much as before.I would recommended it
to anyone who has any ailment whatsoever."
"I did not feel any different after the first treatment of the impuls7, but I am
so glad I continued to do the 4 recommended treatments. What a blessing.
Thank you Dr Pfeiffer".
"I would occasionally have crippling back problems, but that is now a thing of
the past,all thanks to impuls7"
I admit it - I thought the impuls7 was a hoax,another scam to get your money,
until I tried it because of the money back gurantee My life has changed, I
sleep through the whole night and wake up in a super rested mood that even
my kids noticed."
"After a short Course of 6 treatments, my arthritis pain is nearly gone"
"I suffered from a knee injury some time ago, and after 2 sessions I've been
walking pain-free for the first time in years."
"My arthritic pain is gone! I feel years younger after Impuls7,and I've doubled
my stamina and energy levels."
"My Children have definitely noticed the difference. I'm less angry and stressed,
and I feel much happier in myself."
"I've found that since my treatment started,I'm not getting out of breath when
running, and I can last twice as long when on the treadmill."
"Impuls7 is unbelievable! I've really noticed a difference in my sleep.I fall asleep
faster, i sleep through the whole night,and wake up with much more energy in
the mornings."
"Energy Therapy has really helped ease my panic attacks and the feelings of
anxiety I often suffer from.I'm able to function much better in public,and feel
much happier."
"i've found I have a much improved immunity, which has really helped with my
allergies.Flu symptoms are now gone in days,not weeks"
"Impuls7 has been amazing at eliminating my depression. I now wake up in a
good mood,ready to face the day."
"Since my course of treatment, I've found I have increased energy,which makes
me feel alive again."
"i am sure any injuries I incur are healing faster,thanks to my treat-ment"
"Impuls7 has helped greatly with my long-term back pain,with greatly reduced
sciatica pain"
"I used to suffer heavily from chronic fatigue and depression, But ty hanks to
my treatment, the lows are nearly gone."
"It feels like Impuls7 has really boosted my immune system, and helped with
my asthma
"my treatment has lowered my blood pressure,and I feel great."